April 26, 2021, By Marie Kelly, Reprinted from Workers World. An international coalition of groups supporting Mumia Abu-Jamal held events April 23-25, 2021, to commemorate his 67th birthday (April 24) and call for his freedom. Mumia has been unjustly incarcerated for nearly 40 years. His health has deteriorated due to the harsh conditions he has …
Help Free Deathly Ill Political Prisoner Maroon Shoatz!
CALL GOVERNOR WOLF: (717) 787-2500. Demand the immediate and unconditional release of Russell Maroon Shoatz, who is suffering from Stage 4 cancer and has now been diagnosed with Covid-19. Russell Maroon Shoatz’s old age does not make him a threat to anyone, and he should not be held in the unsanitary and inhumane conditions he …
Help Free Deathly Ill Political Prisoner Maroon Shoatz!Read More